Twitter users woke up to chaos on Friday morning as the social media platform rolled back blue check marks from celebrities, journalists, and government agencies. The move was met with confusion and anger from many users, who felt that the verification system was being used to silence important voices. Twitter has not yet explained why it decided to revoke verification from so many accounts. However, the move comes amid a broader overhaul of the platform under new CEO Elon Musk. Musk has been critical of Twitter’s verification system in the past, calling it “a scam.” It is unclear what the long-term implications of Twitter’s decision will be. However, it is clear that the move has angered many users and raised questions about the future of the platform.
Twitter users woke up to chaos on Friday morning as the social media platform rolled back blue check marks from celebrities, journalists, and government agencies. The move was met with confusion and anger from many users, who felt that the verification system was being used to silence important voices.
Twitter has not yet explained why it decided to revoke verification from so many accounts. However, the move comes amid a broader overhaul of the platform under new CEO Elon Musk. Musk has been critical of Twitter’s verification system in the past, calling it “a scam.”
It is unclear what the long-term implications of Twitter’s decision will be. However, it is clear that the move has angered many users and raised questions about the future of the platform.
Here are some of the reactions from Twitter users to the verification rollback:
- “This is a huge mistake. Verification is important for ensuring that users can trust the information they see on Twitter.”
- “This is just another example of how Twitter is silencing important voices. This is unacceptable.”
- “I’m not sure what Twitter is thinking with this decision. It’s only going to alienate users and make the platform less credible.”
It remains to be seen how Twitter will respond to the backlash from its users. However, it is clear that the verification rollback has caused a lot of confusion and anger.